ipc valves

Common Control Valve Problems

If we drive a car without brakes, we are certain to get into serious accidents. That is why we pay serious attention to their maintenance. Valves in high-stakes production processes are as critical as brakes, and serious attention needs to be paid to their maintenance. If they are neglected, a number of serious problems can … Read more

Fire Safe Valves: Do you have the right kind?

When you own a petrol pump, you don’t go around the market looking for the cheapest possible fire extinguisher. However, some people might be making that mistake. Even when they are working in dangerous applications such as chemicals, they could end up buying cheaper valves to save on costs.  Yes, they might buy ‘valves that … Read more

Have you heard of Data-driven maintenance for valves?

  The one powerful tool that you could use to maintain a network of diverse valves is data. Valves are critical components of any flow system, and companies are setting aside huge budgets for their maintenance. Over time, flow networks have expanded and grown complex using different valves at different points.  Every individual valve could … Read more

Valve Standards that matter….and the organisations that decide the standards.

Valve Standards have evolved for over 130 years. Read the previous blog in this series – The story of Valve Standards…   In the past, a number of bodies were formed to regulate valve construction and design to ensure safety and efficiency in operations. Some of these major bodies still exist, and standards developed by them … Read more

5 points for selecting a pneumatic actuator

With modern facilities and automation, actuator becomes a key part of any process plant. Whether it is refineries, manufacturing plants, or pipeline compressor stations, you will find pneumatic actuators working out best to ensure these facilities run continuously. Actuator is device that converts signal received from the controller into an action.  pneumatic actuators contain a … Read more

Selecting a Control Valve

A control valve is a power operated device capable of modulating flow at varying degrees between minimal flow and full capacity in response to a signal from the controlling system. Control valves play a major role in the everyday effort to increase process plant profitability and conserve energy. Understanding the Controlling of the Valve Control … Read more

Understanding Butterfly Valve

  What is a  Butterfly Valve Butterfly Valve is a flow regulating disc Valve, Butterfly Valve consists of a circular disc or plate built with a stem through the middle or attached offset. When opened, the disc pivots 90° in the valve bore, aligning with the flow, creating a flow path. Biggest advantage that the … Read more

Introducing High Pressure Gate Valves!

Specialised Valves for your critical requirements! Some of India’s largest companies rely on IPC’s valve and valve automation solutions. IPC’s solutions are tested by highly reputed third party agencies for design and have found our Valves above industry benchmark. Today, IPC supplies full range of Gate, Globe and Check Valves including High Pressure Valves. IPC … Read more

The challenge of selecting the ‘Right’ High Pressure Valve!

Several factors make it highly difficult to select the ‘right’ high pressure valve. High pressure valves have to satisfy many bosses – safety, design, instrumentation, maintenance, production and purchase, often demanding opposite expectations. Striking the right balance that meets your goals is the key success in selecting the right high pressure valves. Choosing the one … Read more